Dwelling on the same mountain?


Its not ironic that when I go through the all too familiar places in my life where it brings pain or sorrow, I realize that I was starting to put hope in the possibility of that situation instead of the sobering reality, it’s not going to change-unless I/we change direction.  What we need to realize is that change starts with us.  We make the all too familiar promise to ourselves that we will never be in that place again only to return some time later!  Our journey off the first couple of times seemed promising but life’s “valleys” bought us back to that all too familiar path directly to that mountain.  The question becomes “How long will you dwell on this same mountain?”

The answer simple …when we decide never to go back. It’s starts in the mind, a request for help from the Almighty and the clear understanding we are flawed. Forgive yourself. Want to get off like gasping for air when someone tries to restrict the flow of oxygen from getting in.  You want to breath it in that much more because you want to live!
So live and get off that mountain…and never go back!

See you in some of the Valleys …with my sling shot in hand!

Deuteronomy 1:6 “You have stayed long enough on this mountain …”

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